Annuity UK: All You Need to Know

There is so much information about annuity UK, that it can be difficult to find your way through all the facts to what is absolutely necessary. So here are the basics of annuity UK. An annuity is an exchange that you will have the choice to make when you reach retirement. About six months before you retire your current insurance company will send you information about their annuity rates and what your options will be. If you do decide to take out an annuity, you will then exchange the lump sum of your pension for an annuity. And that annuity will guarantee you an income for the rest of your life.

There are a few important things to remember here. You are under no obligation whatsoever to choose the annuity offered by your current insurer, and in fact you should absolutely look around at other annuity providers and find the best annuity UK rate that you can. You can also take up to 25% of your pension as a tax-free chunk which you can then do with what you like. Some people use it to pay off debts or the mortgage. It is also really important to remember that once you have bought an annuity, you cannot get that money back, which is why it is so important to do your research and find the best annuity UK rate and option for yourself.

When you buy an annuity, the annuity provider will use that money to buy gilts or bonds. These are like government IOU’s and are typically a low-risk investment. However, at the moment annuity UK rates are at an all-time low, and so the question of when to buy an annuity is also important. For most people waiting a few years for the market to stabilise is not an option because you will just be eating into your savings.

This is why it is vital to make the most out of whatever annuity UK you choose. It is also advisable to apply for an enhanced annuity. The majority of people miss out on this opportunity, but if you have health conditions, are a smoker, overweight, on prescription medication or any other physical illness or limitation you should apply for an enhanced annuity UK, because you will get a higher income each month. Take all of your options into consideration before making any decisions about which annuities to go for.